Somos FFA y Somos Orgullosos — We are FFA and we are proud

From Alaska to Puerto Rico and Maine to Hawaii, diversity is an important part of the National FFA Organization. Although as FFA members we are diverse, we also share common ground in our core values of agriculture, agricultural education and a promise of a brighter future. Our differences and commonalities were celebrated at the 85th National FFA Convention & Expo during the “Somos FFA, We Are FFA” celebration.

On Thursday, Oct. 25, during a panel and roundtable discussion, FFA members and advisors expressed their concerns and addressed issues facing agricultural education for the more than 56,000 Hispanic/Latino FFA members. The goal of the discussion was to create a movement for FFA to educate everyone about Hispanic/Latino communities and agricultural education.

Members discussed and compiled a list of pressing issues facing Hispanic/Latino youth enrolled in agricultural education programs and FFA chapters. Translation of resources was one of the hot topics. Often, Spanish-speaking chapters translate official materials differently, which can cause problems when it comes to career development events, leadership contests or other activities.

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